Back to zero.

I've deleted all my posts and decided to start again.

I've accidentally link my picasa album to someone's hp and can't delete it. After removing all the photos in the album, I've found out that all the pictures that I used in this blog had gone and it made my blog looked very very weird. Hence, I decided to delete all the posts and start again.

There is nothing to be remembered here especially the recent posts. Too negative. Too emotional. Too full of bad elements. 

So, hi my blog! Let's start to build our relationship again! 

Make a new name for you-- 【向日葵的世界】
Describing myself as the sunflower,
1st, because I like sunflower. 
2nd, I hope I would be like the sunflower-- brave enough to pursue for happiness. :)

Somethings about sunflower :


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